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Lunch Program

2024/2025 Linden Meadows Lunch Program Registration

Linden Meadows School is pleased to extend the privilege of a Lunch Program, providing supervision of students in grades 1 - 8 during the lunch hour.  The Lunch Program is organized by our Parent Council and supported by the school administration. At Linden Meadows, we pride ourselves on this partnership and work to build the best lunch program possible for your children.

The Linden Meadows Lunch Program is a user-pay system.  All students, even those over the age of 12, are supervised by paid lunch supervisors and if students stay at school for lunch, they are part of the program.  If your child(ren) is consistently staying for lunch, you must register and pay for each child using Permission Click.

 Parents of Grade 7 and 8 students: For students in grades 7 and 8 who would like to leave the school grounds, parent permission is required. Parent notes must be received by the office or homeroom teacher by 9am of the day in question. Phone calls home or text messages just before lunch to ask permission to leave the school grounds are strongly discouraged.

The fee structure is:

  • Full time program for the school year: 
    • For families with one student: $180
    • For families with multiple children:
      • $180 for the oldest student
      • $160 per subsequent sibling
  • Winter (November - March): $100
  • Monthly: $20/month
  • On demand: $2 per day ($10 for a 5-day pass)

 Registration for the Lunch Program:  Please go to the following link to register and pay:  Lunch Program Registration

 Your registration receipt can be used for income tax purposes and will be emailed to you once your payment has been received.

 If you have any questions, please contact Sally Xaio at or the school administration team.  

Thank-you for your support. 

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