Positive Mental Health and Well-being
Mental health and well-being is essential to student success. We believe in creating a school community where everyone feels cared for - safe, seen, heard, supported and significant.
At Linden Meadows we believe that positive mental health helps children:
have increased capacity to learn and develops resiliency
supports the regulation of emotions
enhances coping and problem-solving skills
increases engagement, achievement and attendance
enhances empathy and respect for diversity.
decreases bullying and aggression
We practice mindfulness in classrooms, include yoga as part of the physical education programming, focus on reframing student thinking from fixed mindset to a growth mindset language, begin each morning with a morning meeting or advisory group/alternating days of the cycle with Active Start, and we have several specialist programs such as: Roots of Empathy; Horse Connection and Project 11. Our counsellor teaches health to students to promote acts of kindness.
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