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Leadership Program

Students are also offered the opportunity to participate in the PE Sports Leadership program. They are asked to write a paragraph at the beginning of the year detailing why they would make a good leader and submit it by the end of the third week of September.


Students then have the opportunity to learn a variety of leadership skills. Lessons are presented on: communication styles, the importance of paying attention to detail, organization of tourneys and spirit weeks, responsibility.


Students attend a meeting during lunch (11:50-12:30) on the last Thursday of each term in order to sign up for at least one responsibility – canteen duty (selling food at the canteen with the supervision of a staff member), refereeing intramurals, score keeping after school, helping with school wide activities, equipment room organizing, restocking, etc…


All responsibilities are posted outside of the gym doors on the big white board so students can refer to them at their convenience. Responsibilities are changed monthly and are decided upon at our monthly meetings.


All students from all grades are welcome to participate in this program. However, as leadership positions require responsibility, organization and dedication, if a member misses three meetings for unexplained reasons, they are asked to try again next year.

If ever they are unable to perform their duty, it is their responsibility to find someone to replace them and to inform either M Markesteyn or M Belanger of the change.

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