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Walking with the Earth - Pimohtiwin

Laidlaw School is proud and excited to have been awarded the Teacher Idea Fund grant from the Manitoba Provincial government for the 2023-24 school year.  Our project fosters a strong connection to the land and offers outdoor activities to regulate mood and emotion, improve concentration, increase productivity and support relationships amongst students. Grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing, the main components of the project include a Circle of Courage walking trail around our school grounds, medicine gardens and Forest/Nature school experiences and training for our staff and students to enhance outside classroom learning experiences. 

In the image, you can see the conceptual drawing of our walking trail drawn up by Architecture 49. Our trail is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2024.

Currently we have five teachers in Forest School training with the Momenta Organization and we have four classes involved with Momenta in Forest school day experiences throughout the school year. Along with this, we have consultations and student connections with a Knowledge Keeper on this learning journey.

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