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Important Dates

We are currently accepting applications for February 2025 and September 2025 program start. 


FEBRUARY 2025 Homestay Program: students are expected to arrive into their homestay family between January 31 and February 2, 2025. Homestay program orientation is February 3, 8:30am. Regular classes begin February 4, 8:30am.

SEPTEMBER 2025 Homestay Program: students are expected to arrive into their homestay family between August 29 and August 31, 2025. Homestay program orientation is [date to be determined]. Regular classes begin [date to be determined].

STUDENTS LIVING WITH A PRIVATELY ARRANGED CUSTODIAN, A PARENT, OR A FAMILY MEMBER: students with private living arrangements need to register at 181 Henlow before they can attend school. Please make an appointment with

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