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Student Activities


Here are some of the co-curricular activities we offer at Bonnycastle:

  • Student leadership activities (including but not limited to) : polar pride project, bus leaders, healthy snack helpers, Celebration of Bears, Reading Buddies, Turtle Island News.
  • Clubs and activities that arise from student interest (including but not limited to): running club, cross-country, mindfulness, basketball, floor hockey, track club, skipping club, chess club, zumba, makerspace.
  • Community based initiatives: Little Free pantry, Baskets of Love, Bonnycastle Clothing Boutique, Celebration of Lights, partnership with Second Harvest.
  • On-going school yard enhancement
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Outdoor learning experiences: Sensory Court Yard, Seven Sacred Sisters giving back Garden, Butterfly garden, Outdoor reading area.

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