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Acadia School Pick-Up/Drop-Off Guidelines

The following guidelines are intended to ensure that all of our students are safe during pick-up and drop-off times. Over the past decade, there has been an exponential increase in the number of students that are dropped off by automobile. Please note that we have a crossing guard at the beginning and end of the day to enhance safety for students crossing Killarney and to assist with traffic flow.

Parking Lot

  • For safety reasons our parking lot is closed to vehicles between 8am – 4pm. There are many students in the area along with divisional school buses that drop students off. In addition, our parking lot is not big enough to safely accommodate public traffic during this time.
  • Exception: If your child has limited mobility (i.e. broken leg, rolled ankle), they may be dropped off at the parking lot doors.

Drop-off Locations


= Recommended drop-off locations: Westbound Killarney Ave is the best location to avoid having your child cross the road. Adjacent bays such as Acadia Bay & Briarcliff Bay work well too and we recommend that students walk to the crosswalk at Greyfriars & Killarney as there is overhead crossing lights and a crossing guard during peak times.


 = Restricted drop-off locations: parking lot (8-4pm), 5 meters around Killarney & Greyfriars intersection.
Note: Due to the width of Killarney Ave, Winnipeg Parking Authority restricts drop-off on the eastbound side of Killarney across from Acadia.


= No stopping sign locations. Dropping/pick-up in these locations can result in a ticket from the Winnipeg Parking Authority.


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