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Arts Education

iStock-489001283.jpgDance education draws from a diverse and broad range of dance and dance experiences that activate and nurture students’ physical, artistic, intellectual, and creative selves. Students develop the language and practices for making and creating dance and make connections to themselves and their communities through the dance artform. 

Dance programming is currently offered in two Pembina Trails Senior Years Schools.  To learn more about Dance Education, please visit

dramatic%20arts%20pic-2.jpgDramatic arts education draws from a broad field of dramatic arts practices that include theatre, improvisation, and musical theatre. Pembina Trails offers Dramatic Arts programming in many Middle Years schools and in all Senior Years schools.

Dramatic arts programming provides students with opportunities to develop language and skills for making and creating drama and theatre. Students engage in learning that promotes the development of their creativity, communication, citizenship, collaboration, critical thinking, and connection to self when engaged in Dramatic Arts learning.

For additional information related to the curriculum, please visit the Dramatic Arts page of the Manitoba Education website. 

Music-1.jpgMusic education teachers for our elementary school music programs are highly trained and value participation and a hands-on approach to learning.

Most elementary schools have choirs and many participate in the Winnipeg Music Festival and receive rave reviews. Several of our middle schools and all of our high schools also have choir programs that are recognized for choral excellence.

Band programs in Pembina Trails begin either in grade 6 or 7 and continue through to grade 12. We are proud to offer some of the finest band programs in Canada and our students consistently receive recognition from major music festivals and national competitions, including Musicfest Canada, the Rocky Mountain Festival in Banff and the Cantando Festival in Edmonton. Pembina Trails jazz bands also do well at festivals in both the United States and Canada.

Visual%20Arts.jpgVisual arts programs are quality-driven and  thrive in our middle and high schools. In our elementary schools, we guide students through inquiry-based art making to deepen their learning in all subject areas.

Our arts programs address the four essential learning areas outlined by the Manitoba Visual Arts curriculum:

  • creating art and understanding art concepts and tools 
  • creative expression in art, both as a group and individually
  • understanding how art reflects and influences the world around them 
  • finding value and meaning in their own and others’ artwork

Together, success in these learning areas gives our students the skills to empower them to express themselves and communicate visually.

At Pembina Trails, we also focus on teaching students about Indigenous art and developing their appreciation of storytelling, relationships and the seven sacred teachings.

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