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Grade 5 Music:

The grade 5 music program offers students opportunities to sing, play various Orff instruments, dance, create, improvise and perform. There is an emphasis on recorder playing as well as African drumming.  Students have various performance opportunities, including the Remembrance Day Assembly, Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra Choir, Recorder Ensemble, Evening of Music concerts, as well as African Drumming at our school’s Culturama event.

HGI Choirs:

Grades 5 to 7 Girls Choir

Any student in grades 5 to 7 who wishes to sing can join our extracurricular Girls’ Choir. There is an emphasis on teaching girls to sing with excellent tone and diction. This choir sings highly respected choral repertoire. Performance opportunities include: assemblies, the Forks, Riverwood Senior Home and Winnipeg Music Festival plus many more. In the past years, this choir has won numerous trophies in the Winnipeg Music Festival, has performed with the WSO, the Winnipeg Philharmonic Choir, and has been invited to sing at the Festival’s Evening of Choral Excellence Concert.

Grades 5 to 7 Boys Choir

Any student in grades 5 to 7 who wishes to sing can join our extracurricular Boys’ Choir. This award-winning choir has sung at many events throughout the years. Some choir highlights include: most outstanding Boys’ Choir in the Winnipeg Music Festival, guest performers at the Evening of Choral Excellence, guest performers at divisional events and much more. Careful consideration is taken with repertoire selections that allows boys to flourish. Boys are taught to sing with proper tone, and work toward choral excellence.

Grades 8 and 9 Choir

Students in grades 8 and 9 have the opportunity to sing in HGI Singers. Any boy or girl can join this choir.  The grade 9 students receive a credit for this choir as it is a course. The choir rehearses outside of the regular timetable. This choir performs at many events throughout the year, including Remembrance Day, Winter Band/Choral concert, Winnipeg Music Festival, Riverwood Square, Spring Choral Concert and the Grade 9 Farewell.


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